Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Reality Check | ecoWURD | radio


Green 2.0 Executive Director Andres Jimenez joined ecoWURD radio on WURD’s Reality Check with Charles Ellison to share the latest findings from Green 2.0’s highly anticipated annual report on the state of diversity and inclusion in the mainstream environmental movement.  These include non-profits, non-governmental organizations and the major foundations that fund them.


How did they score?


“We looked at the Top 40 environmental organizations and the Top 40 foundations. With environmental groups we are doing better. With foundations as far as transparency and the changing of board dynamics, we have a long way to go.  There still needs to be a push at the foundation level especially since they’re the ones giving the organizations money,” said Jimenez.


“It’s so important to continue this push to bring in more people of color into the leading environmental advocacy space,” Jiminez continued. “To accelerate change, we need to make sure different backgrounds and different groups are brought into these organizations especially since they are the most impacted by climate change and other calamities. Environmental organizations still remain overwhelmingly White.”